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Solo – Exhibition

Remember first lock down? When western societies experienced restrictions of their private and working life? ‘Freiraum’ exhibition opened in an empty work space in Werder Havel in Summer 2020. Most works were made especially for this show during lock down. The advantage of the world having come to a stand still was loads of time to spent in the studio, if the family situation allowed for that. Cancelled exhibitions gave more time for studio work, provided fear, fuelled by news didn’t take up too much of the artists energy.

‘Freiraum’ translates literally into ‘free space’. The way ‘Freiraum’ can also be translated is as ‘void’ or ‘exhaustion’. Space for exploration of the new. Space to develop new ideas. Space to be.

The majority of the work on show deal with safety on a personal emotional level as well as integrity and compassion for people different than us.


Photography by Jessica Zumpfe ©VG – BildKunst Bonn

MAZ_18.6.2020_Ausstellung „Freiraum“ von Katharina Forster regt zum Mitfühlen an