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Fashion Revisited

This ongoing project ends when 1,134 clothing tags have been sewn onto a tea bag. This is to represent the number of seamstresses who died in the 2013 Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh

Price wars in the fashion industry are preventing global improvements in health, safety and welfare. These improvement efforts have deteriorated again since the pandemic, and people are still dying from the production of our clothes. We must continue these conversations and actions to improve to protect workers.

I will donate 25% of all proceeds from this project to fashion conscious industries.

€ 100 (individually framed teabags)
€ 380 (set of 4, framed)
(24% of proceeds are donated to fashion conscious industries)

These are framed either individually or as a set of 3 or 4 tea bags. They are framed in a beautiful box frame. Dimensions at least 4 x 4 x 1 cm.
Note: Each piece is unique as it is handmade and depends on the materials used.

Feel free to email me at kath@meandmyhands.com for discussion or purchase details.

Photography ©VG – BildKunst Bonn